How to Win in Sic Bo at Royal Club Casino

Sic Bo is an ancient Chinese dice game that has become a favorite in casinos worldwide, including Royal Club Casino. Known for its simplicity and fast-paced action, Sic Bo offers a variety of betting options and potential payouts. While the game is largely based on luck, there are strategies you can use to improve your chances of winning.

Understanding the Basics ( Referral Link:  )

Before diving into strategies, it’s essential to understand the basics of Sic Bo. The game is played with three dice, and players bet on the outcome of the roll. The betting table offers numerous options, including predicting specific totals, combinations, or individual numbers. The dealer shakes the dice in a container, and the results determine the winners.

Focus on Low-Risk Bets ( Royal Club Official:  )

To increase your chances of winning, start with low-risk bets. These bets have lower payouts but offer better odds:

  • Big Bet: Predicts that the total of the three dice will be between 11 and 17. The house edge is around 2.78%.

  • Small Bet: Predicts that the total of the three dice will be between 4 and 10. The house edge is also around 2.78%.

  • Odd/Even Bet: Predicts that the total will be an odd or even number. The house edge is similar to Big and Small bets.

These bets have a nearly 50% chance of winning, making them a safer option for beginners and conservative players.

Diversify Your Bets  (  Agent Website:  )

While focusing on low-risk bets is a good starting point, diversifying your bets can enhance your chances of winning larger payouts. Consider combining low-risk bets with higher-risk bets that offer better payouts.

  • Double Bet: Predicts that a specific number will appear on at least two of the dice. The payout is 8:1, with a higher house edge.

  • Specific Triple Bet: Predicts that a specific number will appear on all three dice. The payout is 150:1, but the odds are very low.

  • Total Bet: Predicts the total sum of the three dice. Different totals have different payouts and house edges, so choose wisely based on the payout table.


Winning at Sic Bo in Royal Club Casino involves a combination of understanding the game, focusing on the best bets, and managing your bankroll effectively. By avoiding high-risk proposition bets, using smart betting strategies, and practicing good table etiquette, you can enhance your Sic Bo experience and increase your chances of success.

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